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contacto agencia española de programas au pair

About Us

Confidence, quality and security

Our team

We are a family business so we know perfectly that everything is “Best in family” and we want to offer you a service of trust characterized by our professionalism and experience.

We provide a cultural and linguistic exchange around the world through different programs

We receive support from a large team of professional psychologists, counselors, lawyers, translators, tourism technicians and HR specialists.

We offer services throughout Spain but above all we work in the provinces of Granada-Costa Tropical, Malaga-Costa del Sol, Madrid and Barcelona

We work with the best and most serious academies, language schools and international Au Pair agencies to offer a fast, efficient and high quality service.

We thank you in advance for choosing us!


I am Alexandra Rader, Director and Founder of Best in Family

I have dual Spanish and American citizenship, so I have always tried to take advantage of the opportunity to use both languages in my professional career.

Being an Au Pair in Italy opened many paths for me, thanks to that experience I learned Italian and I had the opportunity to continue traveling and working as a language tutor in New York-United States and in Münster-Germany and being a Youth Counselor in an American Tourist Cruise Line Company working with children of different nationalities while visiting places like Alaska, Patagonia Argentina – Ushuaia (called the end of the world), Antarctica, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand, Bermuda, crossed the Panama Canal and visited many other places of the American continent and the world.

I always talk about the importance of learning languages ​​and the doors that open around the world. Having languages ​​is one of the most demanded professional skills and valued in a selection process to cover a job. Knowing how to speak other languages means being able to break all the barriers that languages ​​put us to communicate, and have many more opportunities in all senses.

From my personal experience I wanted to carry out this project to help other young people to live this wonderful experience of living and learning abroad, which without a doubt, changes your life forever, because it is a unique experience where in addition to learning Languages, meet other cultures, travel, meet new friends, exchange experiences, and improve your Curriculum for a future job career.

I know what a young person feels like outside their family environment and I know how important it is to want to be informed and feel in a safe environment, so I want to provide as much information as possible so that both the young person traveling abroad and the Host Family feel totally confident.

agencia española de programas au pair

Alexandra Rader

Director & Founder of Best in Family

   Social Worker, Master in social intervention, training in family and intergenerational

mediation, Psychology student, Youth Counselor, Language tutor and ex Au Pair

Trust, Quality and Security

How can Best in Family help you?

We want every ones trip to be fun, enriching and most of all safe. Experiencing a program with Best in Family you can rest assured that you'll be going in to a loving family/person that has been thoroughly investigated and interviewed.

Our Au Pairs, Families and Tutors are rigorously selected. We interview and make sure that all required documentation is complete, original and truthful. The information that appears from the requests will be rigorously investigated with the attached documentation and with an interview by videoconference or personal.

Monitoring and assistance throughout the 24/365 program. We follow up throughout the duration of the Au Pair stay. We guide and advise you throughout the program process: before making the decision, during the period of arrival-adaptation and completion.

We bring a mediation service to possible misunderstandings, doubts or problems.

We help you with the processing of your request (agreement between both parties, documentation, etc.) and we inform and advise you on administrative procedures and the requirements of entry in the host country, medical insurance, courses, travel, etc.

You can see some of our profiles available before you sign up for the program.

We conduct interviews in different cities in Spain and Europe.

We collaborate with the best Au Pair agencies recognized nationally and internationally.

We look for your plane ticket and private insurance if you request it.

We look for your plane ticket and private insurance if you request it.

We provide information of the points of interest of the city where you go.

We are an international team and we serve you in Spanish, English, French and Italian.

You will have your Au Pair certificate at the end of your stay.

Legal regulations

European Treaty on the Placement of an Au Pair

Our au pair program is regulated by the Council of Europe through the European Au Pair Agreement (number 068), placement signed in Strasbourg on November 24, 1969 by Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway and Switzerland. Subsequently the Treaty has been signed by other member states of the council. Spain joined on January 24, 1986, ratified it on August 11, 1988 and entered into force on September 12, 1988. BOE No. 214 of September 6, 1988 (https://www.boe.es/diario_boe/txt.php?id=BOE-A-1988-21042)


In order to have more information on the Treaty go to the link (https://www.coe.int/en/web/conventions/full-list/-/conventions/treaty/068?_coeconventions_WAR_coeconventionsportlet_languageId=en_GB)

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